Registered under India Trust Act 1961 Vide 12/2006 Tamilnadu
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Dr. Mrs. Vahitha Devadass, the Founder and the Managing Trustee of Shalom Charity Mission, started this Mission for the Bhil Tribes, as she was already working amongst these Bhil people as a missionary with her Husband Rt.Rev.Dr. V Devadass for 10 years. She understood that the next generation should not be the same as this, so she started to support and encourage the children to go school and gave importance to their health and development aswell.
Rt.Rev.Dr. V Devadass is the Patron of Shalom Charity Mission and the Bishop of Shalom Diocese in India. From his early days, he has been working with his wife who is the founder, to find sponsors for supporting the children and conducting free medical camps, training camps and much more.
Mr. D. Gladson Titus is the National Director of Shalom Charity Mission. He is the eldest son of Bishop V. Devadass. He has done his Masters in Business Administration and Social Work and has dedicated his life for fulltime ministry to continue his parents’ mission and to bring it to the next level. As a National Director he administrates and guides the overall activities of Shalom Charity Mission.
Registered Head Office : SHALOM CHARITY MISSION
5A/323A, 3rd Street, Caldwell Colony, Tuticorin - 628 008,
Tamil Nadu, India.
+91 9345675468
Mission Kamdar Society, Dahod - 389 151,
Gujarat, India.
+91 9998979978